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Office 365 Applications

Note: If your account does not have access to the online Office 365 Applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or Teams:

Please contact the IT Department to request a license. You may do so using the 'Submit IT Workorder' link below.

All active WCBR SSO accounts are elgible for a license, but accounts without any activity or usage for 30+ days may have their license revoked. You can request another license at any time, as long as your account with WCBR remains active. All licenses will be revoked if the account becomes disabled. (i.e. separation of employment)

Email/Outlook: Email accounts are only assigned to specific users, with director approval. If you need an email account, please speak with your supervisor or director, or contact IT for clarification.

External Access: If you have an email account, external access is limited to secure encrypted devices. IT can assist with setup on most modern smart phones that meet these requirements. If you need external (off-campus) web-based access to Outlook, please contact IT for assistance with configuring multi-factor authentication using your smart device.